Movie Poster Research

Primary Research For primary research I watched the film to give me an idea of what I wanted the feel of my poster be and to what photos I want to take. I also walked around the college looking for locations that would be suitable for taking the photo for my poster. I took photosContinue reading “Movie Poster Research”

Target Audience

Demographics Demographics are the characteristics of the target audiences and includes age, gender, occupation, location, race, religion and employment status. Psychographics Psychographics describes someones psychological traits. Examples include a persons values, interests, personality, attitudes, opinions and lifestyles. Socioeconomic The Socioeconomic scale is a measure of someones work experience, and it is as follows: 1. UpperContinue reading “Target Audience”

Typeface Poster Research

For this task we were asked to create a poster on our given typeface, and I was given Helvetica. First I researched different fonts and typefaces to get an idea of what certain fonts would be used for, whether they are used for titles, body text, or big text on posters. I also distinguished theContinue reading “Typeface Poster Research”

Job research

Photography Full Time Studio Photographer: Pay – £15,000 – £17,000 a year Requirements – Driving License and a Car Experience – no prior experience needed as all training is provided Skills – Photography and using photoshop Need to like working with kids, easy-going personality, an interest in photography, a flexible approach to a changingContinue reading “Job research”


Helvetica is one of the most popular and widely-used typefaces of today. It is a sans serif typeface created in 1957 by Swiss typeface designer Max Miedinger (with involvement from Eduard Hoffmann) and released by the company Linotype. Miedinger aimed to create a neutral, clear typeface that could be used on a wide range of signage. Helvetica was plannedContinue reading “Helvetica”


Aperture Aperture is the space in a lens where light passes through to the camera. You can change the size of the aperture to allow more or less light in to the photo. Aperture has multiple effects for your camera, brightness being one of the main and most important ones. Depth of Field TheContinue reading “Exposure”

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